Chaplain Meagan Leigh Yudell knew at a very young age that she wanted to serve those in need of emotional and spiritual support. It was the diagnosis at age fifteen with a rare congenital brain disease -Arnold Chiari Malformation 1 – that helped bring Meagan’s life mission into clear focus. During subsequent years of treatment, Meagan realized that her life’s work would be to become a hospital Chaplain.
For many years, Meagan worked for Temple B’nai Hayim in Sherman Oaks, California, doing everything from teaching Religious School to office assistant to tutoring B’nai Mitzvah students to leading services and assisting the Rabbi. In addition, she has worked for other religious institutions and synagogues, including Valley Beth Shalom, Temple Aliyah and American Jewish University.
In 1998, Meagan became a silver medalist Maccabi Olympian for the women’s volleyball team. In 2008, she graduated Cum Laude and received her BA in Jewish Studies from American Jewish University. Meagan has served as the Jewish Chaplain Intern for Providence Tarzana Medical Center as well as Kaiser Permanente Woodland Hills. Meagan has overcome and achieved the impossible.
I am grateful to the AJRCAcommunity for inspiring and encouraging me to achieve more than I ever thought possible. I would like to give a huge thank you to Rabbi Mel Gottlieb, Rabbi Rochelle Robins, CantorNathan Lam and Cantor Perryne Anker for giving me the Honoris Causa Rav u’Morah degree, making my lifelong dream come true. I would also like to thank my parents, family, friends, professors, LaurenGoldner, RobinFederman,flea Friedman,mentors Rabbi Sally 0/ins, Rabbi Sara Berman, Rabbi Beryl Padorr and my doctors for their continued support.
Upon graduation, Meagan hopes to finish her last two CPE units, become a Board Certified Chaplain, and publish her first book, all while continuing to serve those who need her most.