Cantor at Congregation Emanu-El in San Francisco.

Position: Cantor

Cantor at Valley Beth Shalom in Encino, CA. Founding Director of the Helfman Composers Group.

Wendy Bat-Sarah's impressive professional experience reflects her passion for both, as well as her ability to seamlessly incorporate one into the other.

Holding an undergraduate degree in Opera and a Master’s degree in Music with an emphasis on vocal performance, both from Russia’s prestigious Kazan State Conservatory, Alexander Berkovich embarked on a …

Specializations Hazzan Sandy Bernstein brings a unique passion for music and a deep commitment to Judaism to her current congregation, Temple Sholom in Greenwich, CT. Before joining Temple Sholom …

Position: Rabbi Cantor Educator

Position: Cantor

I was ordained in 2012 after commuting from the San Francisco Bay Are for five years. I am currently the Cantor at Temple Beth Hillel, a small shul in …

Orly Campbell graduated from California State University, Northridge with a BA in Vocal Arts. Prior to beginning her journey at the Academy for Jewish Religion California (AJRCA) she was …

Long active in Houston's Congregation Brith Shalom, she served as the synagogue's Shabbat service leader, choir president, and cantorial soloist.

Kelly Cooper received her Bachelor of Music Performance from the University of Southern California. She began her career as a singer, performing leading roles in musical theater and opera …

Thesis Title: *SPANDEX HIDES MORE THAN JUST A COVENANT: How Superheroes of Modernity Reflect Jewish Identity And Values (2016)

A graduate of California State University Northridge with a BA in Religious Studies, Seth Ettinger's love of music and commitment to serve the Jewish community are long-standing.

Thesis Title: *T’EFILAH ZACAH, VOLUME TWO: The Shabbat Morning Nusach of Cantor Naftali Herstik (2011) Email: mfeldman@sinaitemple.org

Cantor Lonee Frailich is proud to serve as the Cantor at Temple Akiba - a Reform Synagogue in Culver City, CA. She is a second generation Cantor, proudly following …

Daniel Eli Friedman received his Bachelor of Arts degree from UCLA in Theatre Arts, with a minor in Music and Philosophy. He went on to spend 15 years as …

Cantor Jonathan L. Friedmann, Ph.D. is Professor of Jewish Music History , WASC Academic Liaison Officer, and Director of Institutional Research at the Academy for Jewish Religion, California.

Thesis Title: *THE LANGUAGE OF CANTILLATION: A Historical and Linguistic Analysis of Biblical Trope, With Special Emphasis on Detours and Departures (2014) Email: rachelcarriegoldman@gmail.com

Thesis Title: *ABORTION AND EUTHANASIA: A Survey of Jewish Thought (2007) Email: marksgoodman@yahoo.com

Cantor Abby Gostein received her ordination and Master's Degree in Jewish Sacred Music from AJRCA in May, 2021. She holds a BA in Psychology from Yale University and an …

Position: Rabbi Cantor Thesis Title: *PATHWAYS INTO PRAYER: A Siddur With Commentary (2016) *CREATING A SYNAGOGUE PRAYER BOOK (2004) Email: rabbijudyg@gmail.com

John F. Guest holds a Bachelor of Music in clarinet performance from the Oberlin Conservatory of Music, a Bachelor of Arts in philosophy from Oberlin College, and a Juris …

Thesis Title: “WHO NEEDS SYNAGOGUE MUSIC, ANYWAY?” Is Music Outside the Synagogue Fulfilling Our Spiritual Needs? (2014) Email: cantor@lvnertamid.org

Amy Robinson Katz began piano lessons at age five and continued through college where she studied under Lina Baranov, graduating magna cum laude from Biola University with a degree …

Stephanie Kupfer graduated from Pepperdine University with a BA in Music. She continued her education at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music, earning a Master's Degree in Voice.

Lorna entered AJR, CA in the Fall of 2001 and, while studying at the Academy, she became a Cantorial soloist, and served as the Cantorial intern at MJC&S. She sang …

Bryce Emily Megdal was born and raised in Tucson, Arizona. She attended a Jewish day school from first through eighth grade, where she developed a lifelong passion for Judaism …

Specializations Baby Naming Ceremonies Bar/Bat Mitzvah Tutoring Public Speaking Spiritual Counseling/Spiritual Direction Vocal/Instrumental Performance Weddings Writing/Editing Thesis Title FREEDOM SONG: Original Music as a Pathway to Recovery from …

Lisa Peicott earned her undergraduate degree and Master's degree in Music from UCLA, where her operatic roles included "Blanche de la Force" in Dialogues of the Carmelites, "Tina" in …

Jacqueline Rafii is delighted to join the Valley Beth Shalom family as its new Cantor, working alongside Cantors Baron and Fox. Cantor Rafii brings her vision for building, engaging, …

Thesis Title: SO I HAVE TO SAY I LOVE YOU IN A SONG: Salvaging Sexuality in the Song of Songs (2015) Email sdlasinger123@gmail.com

Position: Rabbi and Cantor

Specializations Bar/Bat Mitzvah Tutoring Weddings Email: erobin311@gmail.com Thesis Title KIDDUSH LEVANAH: The Sanctification of the Moon (2012) Audio Clips Shima Koleinu by Max Helfman L’chi Lach by Debbie …

Alyssa Rosenbaum graduated Cum Laude from Lawrence University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in German and a minor in Linguistics. After graduating, Alyssa served as a High Holiday …

For the past 17 years, Bruce has helped thousands of people understand and invest in life insurance. Before entering AJRCA in 2008, Bruce had been a lay-leader at Congregation …

As multi-denominational clergy, Harris Shore has served as cantor and spiritual leader for Hollywood Temple Beth El, The Los Angeles Jewish Home Eisenberg Village in Reseda, and for Congregation …

Graduated AJRCA 2009, Ordained as Cantor Worked as Cantor at Temple Emanu-El, San Jose, CA, 2006-2016

Position: Cantor Email: psmamamusic@aol.com

Michelle Bider Stone graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Brandeis University with a BA in Near Eastern and Judaic Studies and received her MBA from the UCLA Anderson School of …

Cantor Elisa Waltzman was ordained by AJR CA in 2009, after earning her Master of Music and Bachelor of Music Degrees in Vocal Arts from the University of Southern …


Rabbi Cheri is the new spiritual leader of Temple Emanu-El, having previously served as founder and spiritual leader of San Diego Outreach Synagogue, an independent “without walls” congregation. During …

Position: Cantor Thesis Title: REDEMPTION SONG – JOURNEY TO THE PROMISED LAND: An Examination of The History of Oppression, Survival, and Redemption of Jews and African-Americans (2015) Email: cantorsarahzb@gmail.com …