Rabbi Joey Angel-Field received his bachelor’s degree in Religious Studies from California State University at Long Beach, culminating a lifelong interest in interfaith dialogue. He has worked in an environmental non-profit, taught English for a year in South Korea, managed shipping and retail at a small business camping store, and has most recently worked as a community organizer.
Joey is proud to serve Temple Beth David of the San Gabriel Valley, the congregation in which he grew up. From his youth as a ba’al tekiah (shofar blower), Joey has served the TBD community by doing everything from teaching to lay-leading services to singing in choirs to coordinating holiday events to eventually serving on the board of directors and various committees. He has educated and advised in religious, Hebrew and cultural schools and communities throughout Southern California and north, all the way to Seattle. Joey is very enthusiastic about his work at Adat Chaverim, Congregation for Humanistic Judaism teaching at the cultural school and assisting Cantor Jonathan Friedman.
Rabbi Joey serves as a spiritual caregiver, bringing people together, and giving them the space to explore their inner worlds and interconnectedness. He is exploring pulpits and growing his chaplaincy portfolio.
Email: joeyangelfield@gmail.com