Position: Senior Rabbi
Born & raised in Israel. Served two year in the Israeli Defense Forces. Married for 45 years, three sons, and four grandkids. BA in Rabbinic Lit, MA.Ed., Former School Principal, Senior Rabbi at Ahavat Torah Congregation in West LA for 13 years, US Ambassador of Good Will to Muslim Bosnia-Herzegovina, Eight years volunteer Rabbi at Calif. Institute for Women Corona, Lead Volunteer in outreach programs to better the lives of homeless & struggling veterans, immigrants, and hotel employees. Presenter at the December 2009 Parliament of World Religions in Melbourne, Australia.
- Baby Naming Ceremonies
- Bar/Bat Mitzvah Tutoring
- Bereavement Counseling
- Chevra Kaddisha/Post-Death Ritual
- Conversion Classes
- Corporate Chaplaincy
- Corrections Chaplaincy
- Dedications & New Home Blessings
- Funerals, Memorial Services & Unveilings
- Hospice Chaplaincy
- Hospital Chaplaincy
- Law Enforcement/Disaster Chaplaincy
- Public Speaking
- Senior Living Programming
- Spiritual Counseling/Spiritual Direction
- Teaching/Education
- Visiting the Sick/Bikkur Cholim
- Weddings
Other Specializations:
Fluent in Biblical and conversational Hebrew, Hungarian and Spanish.
Thesis Title:
Halakhic and Ethical Challenges (2003)
Email: hamuda133@aol.com