Daniel Eli Friedman received his Bachelor of Arts degree from UCLA in Theatre Arts, with a minor in Music and Philosophy. He went on to spend 15 years as a working actor based in New York. Daniel performed in such well-known musicals as Les Miserables, CATS, Forever Plaid, and Laughter on the 23rd Floor. After having a spiritual epiphany, Daniel retired from “Show Biz,” and embarked on a career in “Shul Biz.”
Daniel is the Hazzan at Temple Ramat Zion in Northridge, California, where he has served for more than a decade.
In his efforts to inspire through the use of music and his passion about furthering the development of Torah Reading curriculum for all ages, Cantor Friedman is the Founder and CEO of HazzanSolutions, LLC, which is the creator of TropeTrainer, iLeyn, TropeTrek, and YuChant.