Musical treats: Kol Nidrei Cantor Dan Mutlu, Central Synagogue
Senior Cantor Dan Mutlu sings Bruch’s Kol Nidre, accompanied by cellist and Central member Julian Schwarz.
Senior Cantor Dan Mutlu sings Bruch’s Kol Nidre, accompanied by cellist and Central member Julian Schwarz.
Igael Gurin-Malous writes about the commandment to love—how does one fulfill a commandment to love another, especially one is is different, a.k.a., the stranger? He observes that the Torah recognizes an important truth: if we love those around us then we will ensure that as the laws change, they will do so according to love.
Moses teaches the new generation that the 40 years in the wilderness was not the ultimate challenge. That comes when everyone’s needs are met—when the spiritual challenges begin. Civilizations decline when the population loses its social solidarity and become weakened before potential enemies.