You Will Be Found performed at Sanctuary: A Festival of Cantors
“You Will Be Found”
Performed by Cantor Jacqueline Rafii, Cantor Lisa Peicott & Rabbi Cantor Alison Wissot
“You Will Be Found”
Performed by Cantor Jacqueline Rafii, Cantor Lisa Peicott & Rabbi Cantor Alison Wissot
Rabbi Fohrman compares the opening verses in Exodus to verses 46:8-27, which is almost the same. Why the repetition? He quotes Rashi, who wrote that the names of Bnai Yisrael were repeated because God wanted to hear them again.
Moses asks 2 questions: Who am I? Who are You? God answers the second one but not the first. Moses was really questioning his capacity to be God’s representative. Like the prophets, he didn’t grow up with a sense of destiny, but became “heroes of the moral life against their will.” The answer to that question evolved over time.