Hazzan Azi Schwarz: Bring Them Home

Last week, Rabbi Barenblat wrote about habits and grooves. Pharaoh had hardened his heart so many times that it “just stayed that way”. Exodus teaches us to examine our habits closely, like shoes—the shoes that God told Moses to remove “because of holy ground”. Habits—the right ones—need to be cultivated, such as little acts of kindness. Please follow the link to her blog below to read this article:

Rabbi Jonathan Sacks: Yitro Deed and Creed

Rabbi Sacks writes that the covenant in Yitro is not the first Divine covenant; there was the covenant with Noah and another one with Abraham. However, these were not reciprocal. At Sinai, God wanted the covenant to be mutual; God wants the liberated people—formerly enslaved—to worship freely. This is a powerful concept.

Rabbi Rachel Barenblat: Bo The Habit of Extending a Hand

Last week, Rabbi Barenblat wrote about habits and grooves. Pharaoh had hardened his heart so many times that it “just stayed that way”. Exodus teaches us to examine our habits closely, like shoes—the shoes that God told Moses to remove “because of holy ground”. Habits—the right ones—need to be cultivated, such as little acts of kindness. Please follow the link to her blog below to read this article:

Rabbi Rachel Barenblat: Vaera 5784

Rabbi Barenblat addresses the text which indicates that the Israelites were impatient and crushed by despair. She quotes Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who said that to make justice a reality for all requires hard work; we cannot sit back and wait for it to happen. The world will not magically go back to pre-pandemic normal; we have to work.

Rabbi Sharon Brous: Parashat Miketz

In this passage, God indicates to Moses that He did not make Himself fully known to Abrahan, Isaac and Jacob; clearly a new and different Divine revelation is about to happen. Although God was known as the Creator of heaven and earth, they did not see nature as the work of one God, but of many – the sun, the rain, the sea, etc