Happy Purim

Musical Treats: “Clergy Girl: Parody Based on Barbie Girl”
Written & Conceived by: Rabbi Jaclyn Cohen
Directed by: Cantor Lizzie Weiss & Tess Cutler
Videographer / Editor: Tess Cutler

Rabbi Daniel Bouskila: My New Synagogue

When Moses convened the community, he essentially created the community by bringing the people together. Did they all agree with each other? And is it necessary that everyone in the community today agree? Rabbi Barenblat brings this key theme of the parashah to the communal dissension over the current situation in Gaza.

Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, z/l: Pekudei On Jewish Character

In the prior parashiot, the people willingly gave generously for the construction of a false idol; the following week they again gave generously for the construction of the Tabernacle for Adonai. Maimonides suggests that charitable giving is essentially part of the Jewish DNA; it comes first before anything else. Thus, the people gave first, and thought about their actions later.