Bernstein , Cantor Sandy (AJRCA 2013)

Specializations Hazzan Sandy Bernstein brings a unique passion for music and a deep commitment to Judaism to her current congregation, Temple Sholom in Greenwich, CT. Before joining Temple Sholom in the summer of 2018, she served Congregation Beth El-Ner Tamid in Broomall, PA after moving to the Philadelphia area from Los Angeles. Before leaving sunny…

Belonsky, Chaplain Ruth (AJRCA 2006)

Board Certified Chaplain, APC. Senior Chaplain, Providence Little Company of Mary, Torrance; retired 1.16 .15. Now Per Diem. Co-leading Healing services at Malibu Jewish Center and Synagogue  Specializations Baby Naming Ceremonies Bereavement Counseling Chevra Kaddisha/Post-Death Ritual Funerals, Memorial Services & Unveilings Hospital Chaplaincy Public Speaking Spiritual Counseling/Spiritual Direction Visiting the Sick/Bikkur Cholim Vocal/Instrumental Performance Weddings…